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Cp. Foodlab: chemical and microbiological testing in Cyprus

Foodlab Chemical and Microbiological Lab in Cyprus

Cp. Foodlab laboratory offers solutions for industrial production companies, including manufactures with high environmental and hygienic risk. Laboratory also provides services to the government sector, individuals, hotels and catering enterprises, pharmaceutical companies, as well as foreign enterprises and firms.

Laboratory in Cyprus. Food and industrial testing

Laboratory staff

All employees of the laboratory are graduates of recognized universities, and most of them have received postgraduate diploma and have completed PhD studies in the field.

After starting of employment with the laboratory and completing the initial training, each staff member is attending internal and external training seminars on various subjects, mainly on the research quality related issues.

As part of research work done at the laboratory, team members are regularly publishing their scientific findings and research results, as well as participating in the conferences and collaborating with other researchers.

Specialization of Foodlab laboratory staff members includes:

Foodlab laboratory services

Testing and research to improve:

Foodlab products

Modified magnetic graphene material:

Magnetic polydivynilbenzene styrene material:


Laboratory Accreditation

In order to promote global trade, international organisations have developed a specific set of regulations, rules and procedures for ensuring compliance with common standard, identification and verifiability of laboratory results regardless of testing laboratory and its location. In accordance with these procedures and rules, each country is required to establish a National Accreditation Body (Council), responsible for controlling and monitoring laboratories.

In 2002 National Accreditation Body did not exist in Cyprus and cp. Foodlab ltd made a decision to apply to the Greek National Accreditation Body (ESYD) for accreditation according to the quality management standard for laboratories and testing organizations EN/ISO 17025. In January 2003, laboratory became the first organization in Cyprus to receive accreditation. Laboratory got the approval and accreditation for a significant number of microbiological and chemical research methods. From the year 2002 up until June of 2015 cp. Foodlab was included in the ESYD accreditation list.

After relevant EU directive came into force in 2014, requiring all laboratories to be registered and accredited by the National Accreditation Body, Cp. Foodlab Ltd applied to Cyprus Organisation for the Promotion of Quality (KOPP) to transfer and approve its accreditation. Cp. Foodlab was successfully audited and included in the KOPP accreditation lists in June 2015.

The laboratory was accredited in accordance with the international standard, where a number of parameters, including microbiological and analytical techniques and capabilities were examined and evaluated.

GMP standard — Good Manufacturing Practice

At the request of customers from the pharmaceutical industry, the laboratory applied for a GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) standard certificate, which gives permission to conduct analysis and research in the pharmaceutical industry. The laboratory was tested by the pharmaceutical group of the Ministry of Health and received the GMP standard in 2013.


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