Cyprus inform

“Pigmaleon and Galatea” – ballet in Limassol and Paphos

Пигмалеон и Галатея

Friday 16th and Saturday 17th of June at 21:00

The Kourion ancient Ampitheatre in Limassol and Odeon ancient theatre in Paphos will host the ballet “Pigmaleon and Galatea” performed by the Russian ballet “Moskoviya”.

The ballet “Pigmaleon and Galatea” features music written by Mozart and is based on the ancient myth about Cypriot sculptor Pigmaleon, who fell in love with his creation – statue of Galatea and asked Aphrodite to breath life into her. The ballet shows the modern times and tell the story about feelings to a woman, as well as about love to the Art. It brings Pigmaleon to insanity, however love of his woman saves him and gifts him peace and happiness.


For more info, call at: 99236057


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