Cyprus inform

Top News of the Week

Пещера в горах Кипра


Group of illegal migrants has been apprehended in Cyprus.

Another group of the illegal immigrants arrived to Cyprus. Police has arrested 15 individuals of Syrian origin- among them there was one woman.

After arriving from Turkey, they tried to hide in the rocks. According to the reports, they disembarked on the Northern side of the island in the buffer zone, where they were spotted by the Cost guard.

The perpetrators were then split into two groups – one group was sent to the immigration centre in Paphos and the rest are kept in Limassol.

This is the second similar occasion since the beginning of August. Last week another group of refugees arrived from Turkey. Cyprus, however, was not previously attractive for refugees- they used to prefer to seek safety in the Continental Europe.

Cyprus Airports are serving the unprecedented number of flights

The Airports in Cyprus are operating at the peak of their capabilities. In the middle of August, both airports are serving an enormous number of flights every day.

The Larnaca Airport serves around 200 arrivals and departures every day. The Paphos Airport serves a slightly lesser number – 60 flights every day. Overall, both airports are expected to serve 3600 flight during the two weeks – which is the unprecedented number!

The flow of tourists is at its peak right now and the number of tourists throughout the year went up by 16%. The majority of the tourists arrive from Russia, Greece and U.K. It is important to note that both airports are coping with the workload. There are no major complaints from the tourists and queues are almost non-existent.

Group of fraudsters arrested in Cyprus

Group of fraudsters was arrested in Cyprus. According to the police, two suspects were selling immovable property which did not belong to them. They were found by the police after the complaint made by a Chinese woman.

She paid more than 200,000 Euros towards the purchase of the plot. However, the actual owner was not aware about the deal. After the arrest, police discovered that there might have been more victims of their illegal actions.

Currently 14 other complaints are under examination. The damage is calculated in hundreds of thousands Euros.

Cyprus authorities are warning the public about snake infestation.

The Cyprus authorities are looking for ways to protect the public from the snake infestation, which became worse over the last few days.

According to the Forestry Department, due to the hot and dry weather, snakes are forced to move towards inhabited area due to the availability of the water. Therefore, people must be especially cautions in the vicinity of the irrigated gardens and lawns, as well as near the ponds and swimming pools.

The most dangerous type of snakes is the blunt-nose Viper – its poison can be fatal for humans. However it is worth remembering that snakes will never attack first without a serious reason.

Apparently, one of the most beautiful legends in Cyprus is linked with snakes. It is believed that snake infestation in the III century A.D. was stopped by the cats which were brought from the continents. Now in the Limassol District, there is the St. Nicolas monastery, which is also called cat monastery due to the large number of cats living on its territory.

Chariot races: Another ancient mosaic found in Cyprus

A very important archeological finding happened this week – an ancient mosaic was found near Nicosia, which depicts the chariot races. The age of the discovery is more than 1,500 years -it was made in the IV century A.D.

The mosaic is so well-preserved, that it is still possible to distinguish the names of the contestants, as well as 9 Muses observing the competition.

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