Cyprus inform

Week’s Top Stories

9 мая на Кипре

Songs from the War Years. Cyprus celebrated the Victory Day

On 9th of May a number of events were held in Cyprus marking the anniversary of the Victory Day. A special programme was offered to the guests and local residents to celebrate the victory over the fascism in the Second World War.

Main events were held in Molos area in Limassol, which was attended by thousands of Cypriot and representatives of Russian community in Cyprus.

Many people brought photos and portraits of their relatives, fathers and grandparents, who were participating in the Second World War and were fighting for the freedom of their children and grandchildren.

In the ‘Immortal Regiment’ march organized in Limassol, hundreds of people took part, holding te portraits of war heroes, each telling a story of its own victory. Musical and dance programme was offered by local artists and guests from Moscow, representing Moscow operette and Russian National Guard Orchestra

At the opening ceremony, the mayor of Limassol Nikos Nikolaidis announced that the city park will be renamed as the Victory Park to honor the war veterans. Celebration was concluded with spectacular fireworks!

Russian Foreign Minister to visit Cyprus. What questions are on the list?

Sergey Lavrov, the Foreign Minister of Russia is expected to visit Cyprus on 18th of March with a 3-day official visit.

Russian Foreign Ministry confirmed that apart from the official diplomatic visit, Mr. Lavrov also plans to participate in the session of The Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe. Lavrov is planning to discuss Russia’s position in PACE.

It is planned to discuss the diplomatic cooperation between Nicosia and Moscow and possible visits of  Vladimir Putin and Dmitry Medvedev to Cyprus.

Minister replaced. Major changes in the Ministry of Interior

Constantinos Petrides was appointed Interior Minister of Cyprus. Petrides, who was holding the position of Deputy Minister to the President, was appointed to the new post by Cyprus president Anastasiades.

Petrides was in charge of government sector reform projects, in particular, he has recommended a new set of regulations for modernization of government sector, which was earlier rejected by the Parliament.

Sokratis Hasikos, the former Interion Minister has resigned due to the personal issues.

EBRD will support Cyprus after the island reunification

The president of European Bank for Reconstruction and Development offered its support to Cyprus after the reunification of the island.

An annual meeting of the bank committee was held this week in Nicosia, where participants discussed the possible difficulties country’s economy might face after the reunification of the island. The shareholders showed full support and confidence in resolving finance system’s issues.

President of the European Commission criticized for strange behavior

‘Cyprus problem’ gained more publicity this week because of the ‘strange’ behavior of the president of the European Commission.

Possible Cyprus reunification was discussed at the major UN summit in Geneva, where according to the European press, Jean-Claude Juncker appeared visibly drunk. It was reported that Juncker was colliding with furniture and people, as well as loudly discussed unrelated subjects with his assistants. Participants of the summit admitted that they were embarrassed by the behavior of the EU official.


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